Change Part 2
This year has gone so fast and yet I feel it is a beginning of the new year. Yet we are almost 6 months into 2013. Today I had a divine encounter with a man of God who I would say moves in the ministry gift of the Apostle. Earlier this year when I received a word from the lord in what season we are in. It was quite clear that as we enter our 7th year as a movement that we would be going through significant change.
And the is a wind that is below a hot wind that fans the flame and its called change. Winds of change. It was clear that the flame of the lord was going to change the shape of our hearts and the way we come to him.
It is clear that God is saying to us as his people and lovers and followers of Jesus Christ. That there is a call to a far greater level of trust and intimacy. More than that as apart of this total dependancy on God. He is saying to us no longer can we do things the way we have. Making decisions and choices without hearing his voice. Infact we cant function as his church. Our Heavenly Father wants to engage in our lives so much so we are completely one with him.
We are to come to him for everything. We are to waite to hear his voice before making our plans and decisions. We can no longer second guess God. We need him to lead us and be our Gps.
This is the line in the sand what will distinguish the new wine skin. What will distinguish end time ministries. The Firestorm is almost upon us and it will burn up everything that is of the flesh. Everything that is of man, human endeavours in the name of christ will go up in smoke. If God has not ordained what you are doing then we need to cease from that work.
So this is a clear directive as a movement that we all need to cease from our works and to come to the Father for all things. He is waiting and longing to take us into his chamber.