We shall see His Glory
Last night at the Western Sydney Prayer Furnace God had moved and touched and spoken to many people.
We have seen an increase of the presence of God during the worship sets. Last night there was a clear theme coming through different people that as we engage with the Holy Spirit in worship and intercession the Holy Spirit is actually bringing the hearts of people together. It is the holy spirit that is bringing tne unity. And the prayer of Jesus is being fulfilled and we will see his glory. We were receiving revelation last night and seeing the holy spirit move through different people. What we are seeing is a generation beginning to awaken. God was moving through children., young adults and spiritual fathers. All different ages and that it is a generation and God is raising up. Its not the next generation it is you and I. Last night we saw many different waves deep love being poured out. To prophetic declarations to impartation where people were receiving the baptism of the holy spirit for the first time.
With all that happened last night the clear message is that he is calling us to awaken because he wants to show us His glory. Jesus is coming and His Glory will cover the earth as water covers the seas.