Burning Hearts 2025
to 16 Mar

Burning Hearts 2025

  • Kihilla Christian Conference Centre (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for Burning Hearts 25, a powerful gathering for all whose hearts burn for Jesus! This vibrant event brings together believers igniting passion and dedication to our Saviour. Expect a dynamic atmosphere of united prayer, worship, and teaching that equips you to walk in prophetic worship, spirit-led evangelism, and deeper intimacy with God. Experience the transformative power of fellowship as we seek to host God's presence and grow in spirit-led discipleship. Come with an open heart and be prepared to be set ablaze for Christ!

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Western Sydney Prayer Furnace  Open Air
6:00 pm18:00

Western Sydney Prayer Furnace Open Air

Jesus Move is Partnering with Generation Fire to host Monthly Open Air Prayer Furnaces in 2025.
This is an expression of United Worship and Prayer - Inviting Local Churches to bring your musicians , worship leaders to minister to Jesus and lead a 1 hour Worship Set in the Heart of Western Sydney. If you love the Body of Christ coming together, invite your friends, Lets see God light a Fire and see an Outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

Interested in being involved , Signup Below

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Pentecost 25  Pastors & Leaders  Prayer Breakfast
10:00 am10:00

Pentecost 25 Pastors & Leaders Prayer Breakfast

Inviting Pastors and Leaders in Sydney to attend a Prayer Breakfast on Friday 17th January.
Pentecost 25 is a Global Initiative to mobilise the Church in United Prayer and Worship with Evangelism to pray for Sydney, Australian and Oceania. This Prayer Breakfast will hear from Evangelist Alejandro Arias, long side other Key Leaders to propose a City Wide Event on the 17th May.

A 12 hour event that includes United Prayer and Worship during the Day and with an Evangelist Speaking at night. If you have a desire for City Wide Transformation, Revival, and you have a love for the Kingdom consider coming to this Breakfast next week in Liverpool.

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Western Sydney Prayer Furnace @ Upper Room Mt Druitt
to 28 Sept

Western Sydney Prayer Furnace @ Upper Room Mt Druitt

Inviting Christians from Western Sydney to join together in a Night of United Prayer and Worship in the heart of Western Sydney Mt Druitt. Set aside this night to seek the face of God together.

Pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit , pray for the your families, communities and the marketplace.

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Prayer Furnace @ Blackheath
5:00 pm17:00

Prayer Furnace @ Blackheath

Join us at The Prayer Furnace, where passionate Christians from the Blue Mountains and Western Sydney come together in unity to ignite a powerful spirit of prayer. This dynamic gathering fosters a welcoming atmosphere for believers to connect, release their hearts in worship, and intercede for our communities. As we join our voices and hearts, we create a blessed space for God's presence to move among us. Experience the transformative power of collective prayer and be a part of something truly special. Come, unite with us, and watch as your faith ignites and blessings flow!

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Prayer Furnace @ House of Light Ministries Minchinbury
6:00 pm18:00

Prayer Furnace @ House of Light Ministries Minchinbury

Prayer Furnaces are times where Christians gather in unity to minister to Jesus in Song, Word and Prayer , being led by the Holy Spirit. Musicians come to lead 1 hour worships , a open microphone is available for Prophecy and Prayer. We have a meal together as communion and celebrate all that God is doing. He receives the Glory and he would love you to experience being in Gods presence together.

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Prayerfurnace @ ROCKINGHAM
7:30 pm19:30

Prayerfurnace @ ROCKINGHAM

An open invite to come to the Believers Centre in Rockingham for an Encounter with God. Following on from the World Prayer Assembly we will be gathering to see this Wave of Glory spread across nations. Spirit Led Worship and Prayer , We will have with others Powerful Prayer Warriors from many different nations who will be joining us to see God move in Rockingham.

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Wave of Glory 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting
to 17 Sept

Wave of Glory 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting

Join with us to pray & fast for a wave of the “Knowledge of the Glory of God” to engulf the globe. Our main mission is to pray for a global Awakening and billions to find Christ Jesus Christ as their own Lord and Saviour. Our prayer is inspired by Revelation 5:6-14, “That the Lamb who was slain might receive the reward for His suffering”. So, we encourage the celebration of communion daily. We are also praying for the World Prayer Assembly (WPA) on 3-6 October 2023 Perth, Australia. Soli Deo Gloria!

1. Pray for a wave of the “Knowledge of the Glory of the LORD” to sweep the globe & the WPA in Australia on 3-6 October. Isaiah 40:5
2. Pray for Awakening for Australia and millions to find Christ. Isaiah 64:1-2
3. Pray for a global Awakening for the world and billions to find Christ. Romans 10:1

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Western Sydney Prayer Furnace
6:30 pm18:30

Western Sydney Prayer Furnace

Join us on Friday 4th August at the House of Light Ministry Centre in Minchinbury Western Sydney.
Last February we gathered at the YWAM Base there was such a hunger for God. We know that Revival begins from a movement of prayer. And Jesus himself intercedes for us. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness.

We would love to see you as we gather to worship Jesus together.

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Generation Fire - Annual General Meeting
7:30 pm19:30

Generation Fire - Annual General Meeting

Generation Fire is a registered Charity and we are required to hold an annual generation meeting where there is an election of board members. If you would like to become a member we will ask you to read our code of conduct and agree to a membership fee , which gives you the ability to participate and vote on motions that are being discussed and passed.

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Prayer Furnace @ Blackheath Baptist Church
5:00 pm17:00

Prayer Furnace @ Blackheath Baptist Church

Inviting Christians from Western Sydney and in Reach of Blackheath to join together for the national day of prayer and celebration of Pentecost with 5 hours of Spirit Led Worship and Prayer. This is a huge weekend with much anticipation about Gods heart to pour out his spirit over the nation. Every move of God has begun in prayer.

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Pastors & Leaders Lunch - World Prayer Assembly 2023
12:30 pm12:30

Pastors & Leaders Lunch - World Prayer Assembly 2023

An Invitation to Pastors and Leaders from Greater Sydney to come together in Prayer and Fellowship and to hear about the World Prayer Assembly that will be hosted in Perth on October 3rd-6th.

Dean Briggs will be speaking , he is highly recommended and this is something you dont want to miss.

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Prayer Furnace - Western Sydney
7:00 pm19:00

Prayer Furnace - Western Sydney

There is a Wave Coming and It's Very Big, There is a Wind Blowing.Can you hear it blowing. Its not a matter of if but when. God moving in the midst of man a sovereign moment where he reveals his presence , unplanned and spontaneous worship and prayer , A Prayer Furnace is a humble opportunity to gather as believers in Christ where we can unite as the Body of Christ and pour out our Worship and Love to Jesus who comes to Baptize us in Fire.

We have Dean Briggs from IHOP KC who will be joining us on the night and will be sharing about the World Prayer Assembly

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Genfire Retreat 2022
to 27 Nov

Genfire Retreat 2022

This is time set aside to meet with God , and be intentional about his Call and Purpose for Generation Fire as a movement. A movement is simply a group of people God has knitted together for a specific purpose and to see the Kingdom of God Advance, to Fulfill the Great Commission, to be a part of the answer to Joel's Prophecy ( The Holy Spirit being poured out on all flesh) and seeing the Restoration of David's Tabernacle.

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