It’s been 12 months since we were all together in Poatina Tasmania and what an amazing time we had indeed. God spoke and revealed himself in so many ways. Since this time last year we have been waiting on the Holy Spirit to reveal the strategy and purpose for the Next 7 years.
Generation Fire has been experiencing slow growth in the first 8 years but things are about to change as the Wind of God begins to blow. Prophecy after Prophecy has been coming through speaking of increase , acceleration and now we find ourselves in a Jubilee Year , Debts get wiped away , New Doors Open. In the month of August God spoke to me revealing that it was time to put a marker in the ground and call everyone together again.
A Shot taken from Messengers of Fire 2014
It is a coming together of Leaders to spend time with God and with each other. To put into place a strategic plan and direction for the movement as a whole in how we best steward the call of God and raise up the Next Generation to Carry and spread the Fire of God.
What do I see? - We come together as Family , We have 3 Days to meet with God on top of a Mountain , We Encounter God Together , We strategize Together, We Share Stories Together , We Learn from each other , We become team together
We actually mobilise into teams , affirm areas we take ownership for. His Kingdom advance’s , His Spirit Breaks Out, Fire Hubs are everywhere and a Generation has picked up the Call to Carry and Spread the Fire of God.
Speakers: Brian Medway & Many Others
Brian is the Senior Pastor of Grace Canberra. He is married to Nola with four children and eight grandchildren.
Brian is also the Chairman of the Crosslink Christian Network , we sensed in the Lord to invite him to come and speak into the Generation Fire Family , Brian pursues the Father’s Heart Passionately and is very big on seeing how we can raise up and empower the next generation.
Brian will bring maturity , wisdom , he will inspire you , he will challenge us as a movement to go and be relentless in our pursuit of Jesus.
Where: Kihilla Retreat & Conference Centre 5-17 Queens Road Lawson
Kihilla Christian Conference & Retreat Centre is located in the Blue Mountains in the town of Lawson. Kihilla can accommodate 40 people , Heritage Listed , Amazing Grounds , Views across the Grose Valley. Kihilla has prayer gardens , a prayer room. Kihilla means gathering place in Hebrew and there is a tremendous presence of God over the place and provides a great venue for us to come together as family.
Generation Fire Summit Rates
Adult & High School Full Weekend Rate Includes Meals & Accomodation $150.00 Per Weekend GST
- Full Weekend Rate (Meals & Attend Sessions Only) $100
- Primary School Ages 5 to 12 (catered) $80.00 Per Weekend GST
Day Rates
Attendance + Lunch + Dinner $50 Attendance + Lunch Only $30
Nights are Public Meeting Meetings and for free - An Offering will made to help cover costs.
Extras Linen Double $10
Linen Single $7