June 21st Friday (Winter Solstice day) 7pm Blackheath Community Hall‟s
June 22ndSaturday, 9am – 12.30pm, evening meeting: 7pm-10pm same venue
‘Men’s Muster’: Bates Hall led by Ps Merv Stevenson with International
speaker Ps Noble Raj Kumar, Noble is in popular demand Internationally and has
just returned from a trip to USA, Dubai, India and Sri Lanka, Noble has written
several books on topics including, Spiritual Warfare, Dreams, Visions and
supernatural encounters. Ps Merv Stevenson, Ps Noble RajKumar and Jeffery
Nicholls (Healing Ministry) will be available for ministry in Healing and Deliverance
during the “Men‟s Muster” and the combined Meeting.
Deborah Division: Philip’s Hall Led by Sharon Stevenson with guest speaker
Janet Thomas, Janet headed up and co-ordinated the prayer teams for „River of Life‟
(Dr Yongi Cho) in Melbourne May this year, Janet has a prophetic gifting and will be
ministering with Ps. Helen Grainger, Sharon Stevenson and Christa McDonald
(Healing Ministry) at the Deborah Division and the combined meeting.
‘Hands Together’: Philip’s Hall Side Room/entrance: Our children will
be led in teaching about the grown-up things, worship, prayer, and gifts of the Holy
Spirit, by International children‟s teacher Ps Runa Meeks, Ps Runa has seen
incredible release of Gods loving power through children all over the world, children
getting up and praying through the night, prophesying, healing, deliverance, words
of knowledge and all the things we long for in our young people, this is the next
generation, bring your children…… and their friends! This is a serious
move of our God.
Saturday Night: Philip’s Hall, after the preparation of Friday night and
Saturday Morning, (Saturday afternoon is free time) we will be ready to come
together for our assignment…Sharon Stevenson will be teaching about
„Spiritual Gates‟ at the combined meeting, what they are, how to recognise/discern
them , how to open and close them, what are the effects of them, are they over
people or land, some popular misconceptions.
If you are involved in spiritual warfare this is an important session,
we will then put this into practice for the assignment the Lord has set for us.
This affects the whole region, and is a continued follow up of our call (all of us) for
the Blue Mountains the High Place over Sydney (the centre of the Region) and the
whole region of the Great South Lands.
This prophetic painting by Deb Nelson was done a couple of years ago, Deb
did not know until she stepped back what exactly she had painted….!
It is very profound and is the very thing we will be praying into at this „Payer Muster‟
having just finished the „River of Life‟ Yongi Cho conference in Australia, the Prayer
Assembly in Vanuatu with Ps Raynold Bori, and several National days of Prayer and
Fasting for the ANZAC Region in New Zealand, Australia and the Pacific.
Then the call to re-establish spiritual ANZUS (Australia, New Zealand, United States)
with a 72 hour fast for the USA. It is clear to me that our Father is operating on a
regional and global basis.
As you can see from the painting, the flood gates of heaven are open….. the spot
fires around Australia will become an inferno, and the Long White Cloud of Aotearoa
is being drawn down and across the Pacific and into the „Open Heaven‟, of course
the cloud takes in the Pacific Islands to the north, the cloud, the fire, everything is
being drawn across and into the heavens, as the river of life is continuing to be
poured out.. Do you see the Dove hovering at the top of the water fall?
Ellen Russell will also be heading up continuous prayer in a “quite room” in the
Community Centre with a small group of intercessors during our sessions.
For details about accommodation etc, please email me
straight back we only have 4 weeks until this ‘Muster’.
If you are coming and you haven‟t yet contacted me, please let me know, we need to
know how many are attending, as usual we DO NOT CHARGE FOR ‘MUSTERS’
FREE!!! But we will take a love offering if you would like to help with the costs.
Blaxland Prayer Cottage: Weekend before the ‘Prayer Muster’
Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th June.
We will be praying around the clock, so choose a time and join us, Sharon will be
there praying and teaching about the gift of „Discernment between Spirits”
This will cover five different spirits’ we should be able to discern between.
1. Spirit of God
2. Angels
3. Demon‟s, Powers and Principalities
4. Satan
5. Human.
Sharon will cover these one at a time starting Saturday morning, allowing a couple of
hours on each, we will do this Q&A style. Prayer will also be happening in the prayer
room the whole weekend.
The Prayer Cottage does not accommodate a large crowd, so space is limited, it is
also a small space to force children to sit and be quite, so we are making this a child
free zone, (feeding babies are fine) just for this weekend, please contact me if you
would like to come and you have not already spoken to Ps. Helen Grainger about it.
With love and blessings in Jesus, Sharon and Merv and the HCPM TEAM