Australian Team Visits Solomon Islands

Generation fire Solomon Islands Tour 2011

During the month of December an Australian Team came to the Solomon Islands this was the largest team that has come from Generation fire.

The team ministered at the fa-arau house of prayer 20 minutes south of Auki - this was the first International gathering hosted by our friends in fa-arau.  

The team then travelled to Alita Island and had the privelege of spending time with the Alita Kids.

from Alita the team travelled to Auki and ministered at the Mt Bethel House of Prayer.

When returning to Honiara the team ministered at Bibleway Church at Borderline - a Suburb on the outskirts of Auki.


Alita Island Video

Below are some of the stories from this Trip and also some of Pictures from the Tour.

Alan from New Life Church Taree Shares about his experience

Enjoyed my week in the Solomons, the varying modes of transport ranged my cry from “oh my gosh to please God get me out of here”.  It has been a long time since I’ve seen people worship God with such passion and zeal as the islanders it leaves one humbled and realising how lacking we are in the western world. To witness the miracles of Gods goodness in the healings we saw, has me praying fervently to see the same here. Thanks for the opportunity to travel with you to the Solomons, Wishing your team Gods best for the future. I experienced a heart change that God is continuing daily, Alan  

Alice Murray from the Blue Mountains Shares some of the adventure

Calm seas- a miracle!
This year was my return trip to the Solomon Islands and I knew what to expect. Beautiful Islands with coconut palms clear water, glorious fruit, joyful singing pikinini and amazing hospitality. Smiles that go on and on. Being greeted at the airport with warm welcomes from the airport and immigration staff. From the moment you enter the country you can see God's fingerprints. However, this time it was the things that I didn't expect which made the trip special.The Lord put together a special team this year with every kind of gifting you can imagine but most notably Bob, the entertainer and unstoppable evangelist who kept us all amused, Steve, man after God's heart who hears God through object lessons and Bree, shining glory woman and overcomer and fearless team leader, Paul.

After swollen, jerking seas last year and a stomach that felt much the same, this time the boat ride was smooth, but no less uneventful. The memorable thing about this years boat ride from Honiara to Auki was the time that we had to enjoy it. I was reasonably enthusiastic about five hours on what would be crystal clear seas and believing in my travelcalm to be filled with supernatural power from on high. In typical Solomon Islands style our slow boat was delayed and we did not depart the dock until 10 that evening. As we stood on the dock and looked at the vessel, not long for this world, and identical to a refugee boat n every detail, i could only thank the Lord for our team and that we would all be in this together.
We stayed in the dock for an hour as the boat loaded on passengers and goods and I did my best to find a spot for myself in amongst what could have been the entire contents of peoples houses and pantries. Women,men and children on matresses packed between bags and boxes both people and goods indescriminately piled on top of each other. One of the strangest sights was the parrot chained to a wooden ring who hung upside down off the side of the boat. I settled down with the team in the cabin below and played with the kids with some balloons from my bag. What I didn't know is that I would have twelve hours to enjoy both being with our team and the surroundings. Some of the team who were stomach sure headed to the roof to sleep only to be rained on in the early hours of the morning.
I love the Solomon Islands and the people who I shared this journey with were such a blessing. The young mothers with babies trying to walk, young children who handled the journey so well without complaining. One of the highlights of this trip for me was meeting two young girls from Alite Island, where we had such a power encounter with Jesus through the children the previous year. The girls now around 18 years old were travelling back from Honiara quite shellshocked from the "world" they had encountered.Was a blessing to spend time with them and pray together.

Praise God for the tuna sandwiches someone brought with bananas. Food never tasted so good! At about midnight after some deep chats I fell asleep above the man hole down to the lower deck of the boat and all night kept waking suddenly with great fear that i would fall in.
I remember my great disappointment as I looked out the window to see absolutely no change in the view. It prompted the question 'Were we really moving?' Sadly, I think the answer was no. In the early hours of the morning as I wearily trudged to top deck we could see land. All the children of this island came out  to greet the boat of passangers we had put to the shore. The children some in their dressing gowns were delighting in the spectacle. I felt we were too close to the beach and had probably run aground-- oops!. This was the last stop till our destination Auki and a good three or four hours more to go. Team on the roof had a lovely time together and enjoyed the morning rain covered over by plastic sheets. What an adventure.
Eventually the sun bathed the islands in soft hues of pink, purple and gold, a sight to behold and came to its strongest to reveal many islands rich greenery homes and people in boats. This was the cruise I had waited for since the last green year, and it was worth the wait. Opal blue seas and small huts and homes signaled our arrival into Auki. Auki is a hussle and bussle of markets and activity and coming into the port I knew there would be many adventures to come.



Donny McGregor