Sydney Gets Shakened
This last week in Australia , Terror struck in the heart of the City. On Monday an Individual who was originally from Iran , also a Cleric who had converted from Shia to Sunni version of Islam and entered into the Lindt Cafe in Martin Place and had close to 20 people held hostage for up to 24hours.
This rocked the nation , 2 people died and many more could have died. The response that followed had both highs and lows.
Many Christians filled Martin Place with Love, Prayers for Victims Families. There was many calls for Unity and the whole of Martin Place was filled with Flowers as an expression of Love.
Many thought something like this could never come to Sydney but it did. On Friday morning just gone a group of Christians gathered for something called Let Hope Arise.
In Social Media land you have had Hash Tags such as I will ride will you appear and become viral this hashtag has sparked contraversy as its intend was to promote Love yet the purpose who posted the hashtag did not have Love in mind.
As we reflect on the chain of events that have occurred in the last week. We need to look at the Facts.. Whatever we make think about the why , the what and the how the more important thing is how to we move forward.
It has taken a Terror Attack to wake up Christians in Sydney to come to their knees. It takes a crisis for people realise its not business as usual.
There is more division appearing in the Body of Christ between those who hold a conservative political value system with those who are progressive or are more focussed on Social issues rather than moral. The Hashtag (I'll ride with you) originated from a local Greens candidate in Brisbane who whilst on the train heard about the situation in Sydney but instead of thinking about the hostages thought what would the aftermath be on Muslims and how would they be treated. Even thought Muslims were not actually the victims but customers and staff of the Lindt Cafe.
The whole motive started in the wrong place - what eventuated was people took the understand that (I will ride with You) was about encourage people to Love one another and note hate. No one can't disagree with the message of Love.
How do we as Followers of Christ lead the charge in these situations.
The Simple ( I'll Pray for You ) seems to be the way to go. Jesus loved the sinner , we are called to love our enemies and to bless those who curse us. How do we respond to those who want to Kill us that is an even greater challenge to comprehend.
If we are to reflect Jesus and to be Jesus we need to look to him in every moment in every situation. One thing we can take from the events of last week. Is that there is no room for complacency in this day and age. There is no room for Lukewarmness.
This is the hour to come together and to unite , this is the hour for us all across the City to Gather in different places to Seek His Face.