The Gospel of this Kingdom
In this post - I am reflecting on a theme that has come up several times in the last few weeks about the Kingdom of God. As we continue in this season of listening it seems that what the Holy Spirit is highlighting to the church is focus on the Gospel of the Kingdom.
In Matthew 24 - Matthew writes that when the Gospel of the Kingdom has gone to the Ends of the Earth or every tribe tongue and nation then the End Shall Come.
What is the Gospel of the Kingdom ??
Jesus taught that the Kingdom is within , and with the Kingdom comes righteousness , peace and joy. In Matthew 10:7 Jesus commissioned the Disciples to go and Preach the Gospel of the Kingdom, Heal the sick, Cleanse the lepers. When Jesus had ascended to heaven he sent the Holy Spirit to fill us and empower us to Preach theGospel. Its stops there for so many people. What has always been in Gods heart is that we discover the Mystery to the Gospel which is more than just words but it is Life and Spirit. The spoken word of God which is like a seed that goes into our heart and bears much fruit. In this end time move of God. The seed of Gods word is in our heart and it burns within. Within it we carry all that heaven is, Righteousness peace and joy and his burning flame. If we only knew all that God has given to us through the Holy Spirit, and the truth of Gods word pentrating our hearts. Transforming us , the Holy Spirit empowering us.
Nations beckon your arrival , the broken , the hurting, the sick. They all yearn to see the reality of heaven on earth.
They long to encounter the true expression of Jesus in people, to see truelly the burning flame of love in you and me.
As a whole movement this is why we have been created to be messengers, to be his Fire Starters and Carry the Kingdom in our hearts and to Bring the Kingdom to where he sends us.