A Word about the Season we are in 2011/2012
We are entering into what could be an amazing next 12 months. It is only of recent times that dates and times become more strategic as we begin to understand the dealings of God and the way he moves.
The lord has been speaking through his word about this coming year.
What themes do we pick up from Scripture concerning the number 11
John 11:11
Revelations: 11:11
Isaiah 61:1 and 11
So let us start with the biblical meaning of number 11
The Bible has 22 hebrew letters in the alphabet. The llth letter is the word Kaph which means the Palm of the hand.
The General Theme coming across is the throne of Gods Glory.
But there is a clear word that has been coming thru these particular verses.
Resurrection, The Glory of God, The Breath of God breathing life , the new things birthing.
In John 11:11 – Jesus is sharing with his disciples that Lazarus has fallen asleep where in fact he had died. And Jesus made the statement- And I am going to wake him up.
In Revelation 11:11 This passage speaks about the 2 witnesses who prophesied and moving in the power of Elijah.
They die for 3 and half days then in verse 11 the breadth of God enters into them and the fear of God falls on the people.
So hear you have a parallel where the theme is Resurrection and Jesus himself says he is the Resurrection and the Life.
Isaiah 61:11 – Continues with a similar theme and speaks into praise springing forth into the earth. The lord will cause righteousness and praise to spring forth all around the world.
This ties in with the Verse in Malachi 1:11 In every place incense shall be offered in my name and a pure offering.
This is all about the life of the Spirit of God breaking out- the Glory of the Lord covering the earth as water covers the sea.
It’s a word about a massive outpouring of the Holy Spirit which is fuelled through Prayer and worship.
But one key thing that came through was Revelations Chapter 10:5-7 it speaks about an Angel raises his hand toward heaven and swore by him who lives for ever, speaking of God as the Creator, and that there should be no more delay.
Up until this point there had been some holding back but as we enter into 2011 we are seeing God establish the Throne of His Glory across the earth, and we are seeing a release of Resurrection, we are seeing incense and praise and righteousness being released.
We are seeing things that were dead spring forth into life.
Callings, Ministries, Prayer Furnaces spring forth has his people gather to offer incense, and a pure offering.
The Call is for something pure to be released from the this part of the world. To bring to him a pure offering.