Something has Shifted
1. Something has Shifted
The last few months have brought incredible shifts spiritually and politically around the world, it is certainly a season of great change.
In Australia we have witnessed an intensifying of things in the spirit and also in the natural.
What does the Macquarie Dictionary say about this season?
- · A Change or transfer from one place, position,direction,person etc., a shift in the wind
- · to move from place, position, direction, to another
- · To put (something) aside and replace it by another change exchange:
Something has shifted in this nation since Canberra 6th-8th August 2010
Australia has been in a place not seen since 1940 with a hung parliament, only 10 weeks ago we had a different Prime minister.
The Solomon Islands has also been experiencing this so called shift. What is God up to and how to position our selves for the season that is now upon us.
Many have had the sense that we don’t have time on our hands – the moment to rise up is now.
God is wanting to pour out His spirit is great measure that it will impact every sphere of creation.
Last December a word was released about the coming firestorm- we are now in that season, fires are being kindled and are beginning to be spread and the season for the fire starter is now upon us as individuals are hearing this call and are beginning to come out of the caves.
The church in Australia will eventually pick this up and people will begin to be mobilized to live out this call to carry and spread the fire of God.
There has been a shift in relationships – It’s about alignment, these are spirit led and birthed friendships. The relationships are deeper they are about creating covenant.
Relationships that advance the kingdom of God and are sowing into each others ministry.
Some people will move on and new people will come into the journey.
There is a shift going on in the church- new expressions of church are emerging all over the place, people are no longer building their own house but rather the house of the lord.
In the last 2 months we have witnessed God beginning to move sovereignly – we have seen fresh outbreaks of the Holy Spirit, His glory is increasing in the church now we need to know how to carry it.
The Shift is to do with what we are seeing. This is a time where Hope has been re-kindled; God is in control as he is taking his church back. The shift is to do with Breakthrough; it is to do with alignment
And it is to do with position.
As I am writing this article – another email came today also speaking about the Shift.
Australia is shifting, the firestorm is starting to hit, and hundreds are being touched by the fire of God.
What does the bible say about shift?
But with righteousness He shall judge the poor, and decide with equity for the meek of the earth; He shall strike the earth with the rod of His mouth, and with the breath of His lips He shall slay the wicked
Oh, that you would rend the heavens! That you would come down! That the mountains might shake at your presence
'And I will shake all nations, and they shall come to the Desire of All Nations, and I will fill this temple with glory,' says the LORD of hosts.
Whose voice then shook the earth; but now He has promised, saying, "Yet once more I shake not only the earth, but also heaven."