Prepare The Way Highlights

Prepare The Way Report 

During the month of September a team embarked to travel to different towns and cities across Australia in response to a word that was given to the Generation fire leadership team in early 2011. 

The Tour commenced  on the 31st August and concluded on the 3rd October in Canberra. Teams Travelled to Darwin and spent a week in the Aboriginal Communities in Northern Australia then the tour came to Sydney then followed by the Blue Mountains, Northern Beaches then to Griffith NSW, and along the South Coast of nsw and concluded in Canberra for the National Gathering which was held over the long weekend.

We want to give all the Glory and Thanks to Jesus - as Jesus was the orchestrator of this Tour and opened the doors and  had made a way for our team to travel to the different places.
In Darwin, Griffith, Sydney and  Canberra - we witness God pour out his spirit, see a spiritual Breakthrough invividually and corporately, there were healings, God  encounters,  incredible revelation received.

The National Gathering that took place between the 30th September and the 2nd October saw a High Calibre of people come together from different states. And many new friendships were made, divine connections and a building of stronger and deeper foundations.
We had our first annual generation meeting in Canberra - and excited to share that a national  team has been formed and had its  first skype call with people joining in from Brisbane,  Canberra, Darwin, & Sydney. We also have a Represtative from Port Whyalla South Australia who just spent 3 weeks in Europe at the Euro Gathering for the 24-7 Movement.
Some of the Highlights from our time in Canberra were the God encounters during the Worship times, the Gathering itself just flowed like honey.  We had a great team to faciliate the direction the weekend would go. We had people share - the personal encounters with Jesus during one of the sessions- sharing how they were ministered to by the Holy Spirit and how it had changed them.  
What God spoke into - the friday evening was the removing of personal clutter- the clutter over the nation and in the church.  It is this clutter that has held us back as a nation from hearing Gods voice.
The Clutter has also been attributed to the culture of people in this nation - clinging to revelation from other nations rather than getting revelation for this nation. 
There was a fresh wind blowing as we were being enveloped by the Ruach breath of God breathing his life into us and  blowing away all the clutter.
The Saturday Morning  - the Holy spirit began to speak into the area of Identity - this has been such a crucial area in the Body of Christ- we so need to know who we are in Christ, to know we are his sons and daughters, to know what our purpose and call is.  We won't know that until we know we are Sons first.  Our identity is know in position or title but in our relationship with Jesus Christ.
The Saturday Evening - During the evening it was again a powerful in his presence - as we continued along this road to Prepare the way- The Holy Spirit began to reveal that the Heart of God was as Sons and Daughters we were to be affirmed and know how much he being our Heavenly Dad loves us as his Sons and Daughters and that this Love was a Heaven Kind of Love and it was beyond understanding and he wanted us to receive that love.
This was the seal - we were now in a place we could start to walk in the purpose that God had given to be carriers of his presence - to be firestarters and what was to come from this point was to Know his ways and to walk his paths.
Sunday Morning - After an amazing time in the presence of God - the whole team had met to get a sense of where God was taking this - and it was agreed that it was about the whole reason of coming together was to Prepare the way- but to do that we needed to know His Ways - so we could walk His Path that he has layed out.
This Path was to do with the Call of God over Australia - That we were to lay down the call over our own cities to pick up the Call over the nation for nations.
As we embrace the Call of God over Australia and the Great Southland of the Holy Spirit we will become the Apostolic and Prophetic Nation that God has called Australia to be.
And that it was now time for Australia to have her own voice and to walk in the fullness of all that God has in this nation.
To put aside the Tall Poppy syndrome, to lay down our City or State agenda - lay down the independant spirit. 
And to embrace Humilty.
What can we go away with - and where is God taking us  as a movement & Tribe - it is really to become a movement that embraces humility as a way of life.
The suspicsion that is in the Body of Christ has to go. The mistrust of one another has to go, The agenda of building your own kingdom has to go. 
If we are to be immitators of Christ as the bible teaches we need to learn how to love better, learn how to honor one another and  to in way serve on another- perhaps wash each other's feet.
The attitude of our nations church leaders - needs to change -especially in how we view leaders and ministries from different states.
We have got to stop this dependancy on someone elses revelation. And actually take the time to sit at Jesus feet and listen to his words.
Australia It's time to have your own voice - You have a unique calling, there is a unique sound and  cry that needs to be released in the nations.
Other nations are waiting for you to take your place and be all that God has called you to be.
DVD's and MP3's will be available for download or can be sent via the  post for a donation.
See the Resource Page for further details.
If you have photo's or a testimony to share from the National Gathering- please email that to





Donny McGregor