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It's Time to Connect Again - Zoom Call

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We are inviting you all onto a Zoom Call next Tuesday 10th December

The Winds of Change are blowing , and it is time for us to learn with way the wind is blowing. As a movement we are a people who are led by the Holy Spirit. This whole year of 2019 has all been about family. God has been revealing his heart about how the Body of Christ is family. 2019 has been a challenging year to say the least.

We are a dispersed and scattered tribe of laid down lovers of Jesus whose hearts burn with fire. God has made away for us to connect from anywhere in the world. A place to connect 24-7 as we begin a new journey. This is a time for us to listen, a time to sit at the feet of Jesus as we waite upon receiving new blue print for the new season.

Tuesday 10th December 9pm

To join the Call Click on the Form and you will receive the Link

Later Event: 30 June
Annual General Meeting