Announcement: Sadly Epi is no longer able to come to Australia this year due to Health reasons.
The Training & Equipping Event will continue and we will be blessed with a Local Line up of Evangelists and Prophets and Equippers who will spend the day to equip the saints.
We are putting out a call to any laid down lovers of Jesus , burning ones to come and be equipped and empowered to Carry and Spread the Fire of God.
Speakers include: Donny McGregor , Shane Degen and more.
Shane Degan
Shane is an evangelist whose life God has transformed through Abba’s love and grace. He carries revival to the body to see them awakened, set on fire and sent out into the harvest fields.
There will be workshops and there will be a Prayer Furnace which is a night of intiminate and spirit led worship, strategic intercession and experiencing His presence.