In these end times we are seeing an incredible move of the Holy Spirit upon the next generation as God begins to raise up Radical followers of Jesus Christ. We are seeing the marriage between prayer and missions. Generation Fire each year sends teams of revivalists/fire-starters into different nations.
Bangladesh 2010
We aim to provide you and your church an opportunity to help advance the Kingdom of God in different nations, help complete the great commission which was the last command of Jesus Christ to make disciples of all nations , to go into all the world and preach the Gospel.
The teams that we send to you are being trained for the ministry, they are radical lovers of Jesus Christ who are devoted to scripture speaking and living the word in the hearts fuelled by a life style of intercession and worship. They carry and spread the fire of God.
How About an Adventure
On January 23-26, 2019 in Jakarta, Indonesia, we are calling for another global UPRISING. But due to the sensitivity of the word “uprising,” this one will be called “WORLD GENERATION GATHERING: .” The theme will be, “Receiving the Moravian Lampstand: Prayer + Missions,” and we are envisioning to bring together a projected estimate of 4,000 youth and young adult leaders for a 3-day destiny-engaging convergence which will be held at the ICC-MGK in North Jakarta, and an estimate of 10,000 for the Solemn Assembly which will be held at the Stadium Area in Senayan.
Like the first global gathering in Korea, we believe that this will awaken the young “Davids” to fight against their generation’s “Goliaths,” and against the injustices in the nations. It will provoke them to wake up and do something. And we believe that the greatest injustice today remains to be this: that JESUS is not worshipped in the nations. We know that only Jesus can bring true justice. So, the UPRISING will not just be a call for the youth to gather in prayer, but it will be a call to battle from a place of extravagant worship and united prayer as we launch a global generation to a global harvest, all unto the hastening of the return of the Desired of nations: Jesus Christ!
In the month of July a team of 9 headed from Australia and New Zealand for the Generation Fire South Asian Gathering, following the gathering the team travelled 9 hours north to visit the Transformation centre, then returning to Dhaka the rest of team continued on to Katmandu Nepal. God has done so much.