
On the 9th-12th October 2017 close to 170 people converged from across the nation to gather for 3 days and 3 Nights of Worship and Prayer. They came from all across the nation to be together as One Body.

Representatives from various different Aboriginal Tribes came with their families to see what God would do during the 3 days.  There was an excitement and sense God was going to do an amazing work in the hearts of people.

Everyone who came had prepared in their hearts weeks before that they were going to be Melted by the Love and Fire of God.  This is what exactly happen.

This is the story and the memories of this significant gathering that took place which some will say changed history.


The Report


Welcoming the King of Glory  

Melted Hearts as One kicked off with a Flash of Lightning and the Roll of Thunder as we gathered in the Conference Centre at Yulara.
We began with Awe and Reverence as God revealed himself to us and that a Gathering like no other had just commenced.  People had come from many different places and word had got around town that something was happening.

Opening Session Highlights:


Day 2

During the Night many had gathered to pray and intercede as a prayer watch , and to listen to Gods voice and share in the day what God was showing during the night.  At the same time groups of people had gathered to pray out loud the entire bible

Repentance & Forgiveness Flows


We will say no to the Old Ways & Old Laws which binds people in chains and puts communities in bondage and fear.. We as one family and generation will discover His Ways by His Spirit, Sing New Songs, Have New Dreams, New Dances, New Stories and make New Declarations that will Honour God and that will release the Blessing of God and the Outpouring of His Spirit across this land.

Day 2 @ Melted Hearts  - The Spirit of Repentance , the Fear of the Lord had come upon the Camp, and many had heavy hearts upon the spiritual climate over this nation, the condition of our hearts was heavy and many hours were spent in Gods presence just on our Faces.  No man could control what God was doing. You could hear the heart cry the pain of the people as they came before God.


During the afternoon of Day 2
There was a powerful moment where a person received a vision about the Body of christ not having a Head , as the head had been decapitated.  What took place in response to that word give was a prophetic act between someone who was Jewish, also an Aboriginal Pastor whose name was Gary and Donny representing white man.  All three had repented and joined hands and did an act to enthrone Jesus in the Highest Place.


During the same day when many people had been sharing the pain that is in the community there was a powerful moment where Mavis from Elcho Island had got up to speak and called everyone to sit down. And she began to share the story of the Elcho Island Revival.  And shared also about the revelation of the Piano. We had all come to sit down and listen as she shared and the peace of God had come into the place. 





A Land is Given Back to God

Day 3  Breakthrough

During the morning session - The time of waiting continued as God continued to deal with peoples hearts in a deeper way.  It was during this session that God spoke to some of our sisters from Milingimbi and Galawinku and gave them a vision about calling all the Aboriginal People that were at Melted Hearts to come and present and ask God to give the land back to him.






Though there are many Tribes , Tongues and Nations , And we come from many places there is One who invites us to be a part of His Family and it is for this reason we come together.  

Jesus Christ (Yeshua) King of Kings & Lord of Lords desires us to Gather as One. He adopts us into His Tribe , His Family so we can all be One Mob, a Jesus Mob, a Fire Mob.  No Longer is it about the colour of Skin because we have the same blood (The Blood of Christ)

So we will stand together as Brothers and Sisters as Family and in Love & Unity.


Being Family




On the Final day of Melted Hearts as One there will be a Re-enactment of the Australian & NZ Lighthorse Charge of Beersheba which will be led by Aboriginal Riders to remember the Aboriginal soldiers who gave their lives at war.

In Final Session we will be giving time to allow for everyone to be prayed for and be commissioned as Fire Starters.



Melted Hearts Video Release

We are excited to announce that the Melted Hearts Video is now available enjoy the Trailer to be able to purchase the Video or Rent Click on the below Link


To Purchase a T-Shirt Click Below - Stay Tune for Melted Hearts

Melted Hearts As One - Unisex T Shirts
from $23.00
Messengers of Fire T-Shirt Blue

Messengers of Fire T-shirts available in various sizes