Holy Spirit Breaks Out in Rural Bangladesh

Between the 9th -10th April a small team from Australia gathered with the national team of Generation Fire Bangladesh for one day and on the following day with 100 selected youth between 15 - 25 yrs of age.

Day one was spent in worship, sharing, and impartation as we began to impart into a team from various parts of the nation.  The Hunger and Openess was evident , and we began to model prophetic worship, what we do in prayer furnaces.

On Friday 10th April 100 young people gathered and the whole first session was 2 hours of sweet presence with prophetic flow.  Please pray for Bob and Donny, there are still some financial needs to be met to cover expences , there is already fruit where the Transformation Centre located in Dinajpur will start a once a month 24hour prayer furnace.  This will be the first of its kind in this area of Bangladesh.  There is already a tremendous work taking place where the Kingdom of God is coming to VIllages , many are coming to Christ, and are being discipled and are now having supernatural encounters with the Holy Spirit.

More to come .......

Donny McGregor