30 Hours of Worship stir up Moreton Bay

20 people respond to answer the Call as Firestarters

Recently on the 17th- 19th April - a Generation Fire Team joined together with 30- 40 key Firestarters from the Northern Suburbs of Brisbane.


The Convergence took place at the Watson Park Convention Centre.  With a smorgesboard of musicians and hungry hearts.  During the 30 Hours , there were many highlights of passionate worship,  alot of prophecies were received ,  one of the clear words that came out was around a Burning Wheel  - this Burning Wheel several people had seen this vision, and on Saturday a word was given on Ezekial Chapter 1  - from that God had spoken to everyone about the Call to be people of the Spirit, to go where ever the spirit goes.

We are excited to see how the Holy Spirit led that weekend, later that night - The Call for a Generation to Carry the Fire of God was given , and many responded,  there was a real release of Holy Spirit Fire.  It was an amazing way to end a weekend , worship became celebration this continued on until 1am the Next Day.

We are praying that God will bring together a team to start monthly prayer furnaces and extend the Genfire Family into Brisbane.  There are alot of stories coming from that weekend where they really met with God in a powerful way , and many responded the call to be a generation that would be led by the Holy Spirit, there was a wonderful unity , and there is huge potential for the Moreton Bay region to see a real move of the holy spirit.

Donny McGregor