Rumblings, Stirrings and Shakings
Well these last few months we have seen major catostrophic events across the earth.
In the Body of Christ there is also an increasing in Shaking.
Persecution is on the increase, so are splits between ministries, Families are under assault.
This is a time an hour where we truelly have to make Jesus the Anchor of our lives.
To immerse our selves in his word, to have a prayer life where we are so close to his own heart.
We are seeing in this day and age a new stirring in the hearts of people.
There are stirrings happening here and there -where his people have a deeper desire to unite in prayer, to cry out to God for more of his presence.
Also with Shakings - God is beginning to shake the very core foundations of the church.
More to come- Over and out for now